Thursday, April 16, 2020

What Is a Business School Sample Essay Application?

What Is a Business School Sample Essay Application?The Business School Sample Essay Application is a common requirement of the Business School Admission Test. It helps students know about the structure of the test, what it looks like and what questions will be asked on it. It is also important to ensure that a good grasp of English grammar is there and you can read and write well.The Application forms for the BSC are based on the same format as other standardized tests and the student's essay is no exception. This makes it a difficult task for the student to prepare for and write the application correctly. An essay which is written poorly will not serve any purpose.The first and foremost thing a student has to remember is that the Business School Essay Application Form is designed for easy reading and writing. A student should be able to follow instructions completely. The essay should be free from grammatical errors and should not only cover all the topics of the BSC but should also cover all other subjects that relate to the topic chosen. This will help the student put the learning process together and come up with a well rounded essay which is truly an asset to the student.The essay should be clear, succinct and make good use of the right vocabulary. If the essay uses too many irrelevant and unfamiliar terms then it will be quite difficult to comprehend the gist of the whole essay. Sometimes students can use the wrong words and fail to use the right ones. Writing in English helps as well as being fluent in the language.The Business School Sample Essay Application is very brief. The essay should only cover one topic and the sample format is usually very short and direct. This is meant to be very concise.A student should ensure that the essay is free from any grammatical errors and proper grammar should be used. Grammar will assist in making a good paper and will help the student apply themselves. The same goes for the spelling and the punctuation of the essay . Care needs to be taken in these areas so that the essay will not make any blunders.Students should avoid using all caps or italics in the title of the essay or any other part of the paper as this will render the whole paper unreadable. Use the correct wordings of the words and always make sure that the sentences flow in an orderly manner.The Business School Sample Essay Application will often come with sample essays. The college has set up a set of rules for the student to follow and a clear structure which they want to see followed. The essay can follow this outline and style without making mistakes and the student will be able to move on to the next test without too much loss of time and effort.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

On December 10, 1986 The Greater New York Section Of The American Inst

On December 10, 1986 the Greater New York Section of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and the engineering section of the New York Academy of Sciences jointly presented a program on mining the planets. Speakers were Greg Maryniak of the Space Studies Institute (SSI) and Dr. Carl Peterson of the Mining and Excavation Research Institute of M.I.T. Maryniak spoke first and began by commenting that the quintessential predicament of space flight is that everything launched from Earth must be accelerated to orbital velocity. Related to this is that the traditional way to create things in space has been to manufacture them on Earth and then launch them into orbit aboard large rockets. The difficulty with this approach is the huge cost-per-pound of boosting anything out of this planet's gravity well. Furthermore, Maryniak noted, since (at least in the near to medium term) the space program must depend upon the government for most of its funding, for this economic d rawback necessarily translates into a political problem. Maryniak continued by noting that the early settlers in North America did not attempt to transport across the Atlantic everything then needed to sustain them in the New World. Rather they brought their tools with them and constructed their habitats from local materials. Hence, he suggested that the solution to the dilemma to which he referred required not so much a shift in technology as a shift in thinking. Space, he argued, should be considered not as a vacuum, totally devoid of everything. Rather, it should be regarded as an ocean, that is, a hostile environment but one having resources. Among the resources of space, he suggested, are readily available solar power and potential surface mines on the Moon and later other celestial bodies as well. The Moon, Maryniak stated, contains many useful materials. Moreover, it is twenty-two times easier to accelerate a payload to lunar escape velocity than it is to accelerate the ident ical mass out of the EarthUs gravity well. As a practical matter the advantage in terms of the energy required is even greater because of the absence of a lunar atmosphere. Among other things this permits the use of devices such as electromagnetic accelerators (mass drivers) to launch payloads from the MoonUs surface. Even raw Lunar soil is useful as shielding for space stations and other space habitats. At present, he noted, exposure to radiation will prevent anyone for spending a total of more than six months out of his or her entire lifetime on the space station. At the other end of the scale, Lunar soil can be processed into its constituent materials. In between steps are also of great interest. For example, the MoonUs soil is rich in oxygen, which makes up most of the mass of water and rocket propellant. This oxygen could be RcookedS out of the Lunar soil. Since most of the mass of the equipment which would be necessary to accomplish this would consist of relatively low technol ogy hardware, Maryniak suggested the possibility that at least in the longer term the extraction plant itself could be manufactured largely on the Moon. Another possibility currently being examined is the manufacture of glass from Lunar soil and using it as construction material. The techniques involved, according to Maryniak, are crude but effective. (In answer to a question posed by a member of the audience after the formal presentation, Maryniak stated that he believed the brittle properties of glass could be overcome by using glass-glass composites. He also suggested yet another possibility, that of using Lunar soil as a basis of concrete.) One possible application of such Moon-made glass would be in glass-glass composite beams. Among other things, these could be employed as structural elements in a solar power satellite (SPS). While interest in the SPS has waned in this country, at least temporarily, it is a major focus of attention in the U.S.S. R. , Western Europe and Japan. In particular, the Soviets have stated that they will build an SPS by the year 2000 (although they plan on using Earth launched materials. Similarly the Japanese are conducting SPS related sounding rocket tests. SSI studies have suggested that more than 90%, and perhaps as much

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Why You Must Try Self-Publishing

Have you been plodding the path of traditional publishing? Trying to find an agent or publisher to look at your work, with no success? Is your ego bruised and beaten from the constant rejection? Well, if you’ve had it up to here with the battering from conventional publishing companies, read on for a solution to your woes. Really, why do we persist in pursuing something so painful when the option of self-publishing is now so readily available? Gone are the days of the misunderstood author who can’t catch a break. Today, a writer can take on the responsibility and control of their publishing destiny, independent of agents, publishers and poor royalties. Excited? Then, let’s explore why an author would want to do that, and how. Creative Control When you choose to self-publish, you and your resources are responsible for the input of all creative content. This means you’ll be involved in every step of the production process with complete authority to create what you like, when you like. You’ll be making decisions about: writing proofreading editing formatting artwork, illustrations, and book covers budgets release dates marketing and promotions With traditional publishing, the author is usually only involved in the first two points, writing and proofreading. As an independently published author, you have full control over all aspects of getting your book to market. That doesn’t mean you have to do everything yourself, of course. One of the common themes of the successful indie author is the recommendation to hire professionals to handle some of the aesthetics. Formatting, artwork and book covers can all be successfully contracted out to industry experts if you don’t have the inclination or skills to do the work yourself. The point is to have a polished product that meets a high standard of professionalism – you want your book to look its best. Business Control As an indie author you retain all rights to your work and control the destiny of your business. Copyright, reprinting and distribution remain within the scope of your business domain. And as the business owner, you’ll have full authority over the following: Imprinting. You’ll need to establish a business identity if you plan on selling any of your books, as you then become a retailer. Price point. What price will you determine for your work? This article from Jane Litte at has some interesting insights and observations on digital pricing. Budgets. Determine your budgets for any contracting services as well as marketing and promotions, because initially they’ll be coming out of your pocket. Until your sales with decent royalties fill the coffers again, that is. Publishing platform. You get to choose which of the self-publishing platforms will best serve your needs. You get paid monthly. Any distribution outlets that carry your books, such as Amazon, Barnes Nobel, Borders etc., will pay out on royalties on a monthly basis. Faster Publication A common complaint about old-fashioned publishing is the length of time it takes from signing a contract, to when the book arrives in the stores. An eighteen to twenty four months time frame is not uncommon. And that’s after the time it took to find an agent and a publisher. If your material is of a time sensitive nature, such as technology, medicine, science or current events, that’s simply too long. With self-publishing, you can have your published book ready for purchase within days or weeks you determine the pace. You Pocket the Profits Traditional publishers pay anywhere from between 6 – 25% royalties. As a self- published author, you keep 100% of the profits if you sell direct. Outlets such as Amazon pay up to 70% royalties on sales (if priced in their golden mean of between $2.99 and $9.99, royalties drop to 35% above or below those prices). If you want an idea of what royalties will come your way at each price point, check out the Amazon Royalties Estimator in the sidebar of Joe Konrath’s blog. It’s great for dreaming big. Steps to Self-Publishing If you’ve made the bold decision to go down the self-publishing route, congratulations! You’re in for quite a trip! And the following partial list taken from A Newbie’s Guide to Self Publishing by J.A. Konrath will help you on your way. Set your goal. First establish why you’re publishing to decide how to publish. This step will determine which self-publishing model to choose from; print-on-demand, vanity, subsidy, etc. Determine your price point. Do some research for pricing in your genre to decide where in Smashword’s sweet spot price range, your book will best be suited. Format your book. Do it yourself or hire someone. But if you plan on selling your book, do remember that appearances count. That first impression is important, so give your book a professional look and show that you mean business. Design your book cover. Lots of fun in this creative step, but again, maintain a high standard of professionalism at all stages. Write your product description. Pack your description with pertinent info and similar in style to that of others in your genre. Publish and publicize. Upload your digital version to the platform of your choice, and use social media to announce your release dates. Sure, there are more initial costs to self-publishing a book than with an established publishing house, and you do have all the responsibilities. It takes a lot of time, effort and energy to publish independently, but so does any solo entrepreneurial effort. It’s a business, and if you treat it as such you’ll enjoy the profits that come with running a successful business. And while self-publishing may not appeal to all writers, isn’t it great to know that the option exists if you do want to take control of your own publication empire?